Become actively involved in the work of Haiti Outreach through the Adopt-a-Well Program!
The Haiti Outreach’s Adopt-a-Well Program is a specific and concrete way YOU can make a difference in the lives of hundreds of people in Haiti, not only for today, but for years to come as they maintain their well. Become a sponsor and save lives with clean water and sanitation education!
How it Works:
An individual or group sponsors a specific community managed well in rural Haiti, pledging to raise the $25,000 needed to fully fund a specific Haitian community’s program to gain sustainable access to clean water and sanitation.
Work with Haiti Outreach in any way needed to help your campaign be successful.
Once the funds are raised for the adopt-a-well, a specific community is selected for you and the Haiti Outreach coaching team begins the process of engaging the community.
You are invited to travel to Haiti during this process to visit the community, especially the well inauguration. It is truly a special trip to see first hand the impact of your efforts and support.
Meet Haiti Outreach!