"Haiti Outreach's coaching and transformation of the communities is what we have always needed. The future is different now because the leaders see their own responsibility and are now leading water instruction around the commune. I didn't know what my role was before this training. I didn't have a toolkit of how to move forward as a leader. Now I do!" ”
-Claudette Alexander, Administration Counsel for Communal Section
Leadership Coaching
Our sustainable development leadership coaching program integrates the principles of integrity, consistency, transparency, data-driven decision making, and responsibility. Our unique proven coaching methodology helps leaders adopt a philosophical change in their approach from relief to sustainable development. The curriculum developed by our Haitian staff sets local and national authorities up for success in moving the country towards development. Transforming mindsets to take responsibility is essential to generating the ownership and critical thinking necessary for continuous delivery of WASH services and beyond. The coaching program is a 6-year process working with each commune on their unique needs.
This program is critical to moving the country towards a development and is the pathway to lasting systemic change.
Community Well Installation Coaching
Our community well installation coaching program has been a staple of ours for over 20 years. It starts with each community sending us a letter with a desire to partner together. Over the course of 3-6 months, Haiti Outreach staff and a community-appointed water committee (must be 50% women) work on: 1) mapping and creating a community action business plan that includes data-driven decision making; 2) conducting a community census of all who will access the water; 3) ensuring latrines are working and are present in at least 90% of the homes: 4) ensuring sustainability of a water supply; 5) contracting well drillers; 6) establishing monitoring systems; and 7) creating a culture of responsibility, accountability, and integrity. Each community then celebrates the completed process and newly installed well with an inauguration celebration.
We know that by coaching each community to follow a sustainable pay-for-service model with a transparent bank account, ensures that when the well breaks or is contaminated, it is able to be repaired by the community themselves and not outside relief agencies.
WASH School Committee Coaching
We are working to see that all public schools in Haiti have a community-led managed sustainable WASH program. We coach small groups, led by students, teachers, and parents of each school to set up a sustainable transparent system for cleaning and stocking essentials. This includes hiring a janitor, setting up a handwashing station and drinking water station, and providing soap, toilet paper, and tampons. Kids and teens can then focus on their studies and not have to worry about using the bathroom or missing class to go home.
Town Water Systems
Combining our sustainable development leadership coaching program with our community well installation coaching program we have created a new program working with our partners to create sustainable piped water systems in towns. As experts in leadership coaching and water engineering, we work with local authorities and community leaders on a multi-year plan to install metered clean water to individual homes with 24/7 access. This program creates incredible opportunities for economic growth and infrastructure in each commune.
Drilling Training
Sustainable Development Consulting