Unrest Update

Dear Haiti Outreach Friends and Supporters,

Thank you so much for your concern, given the recent news of a declared state of emergency in Haiti. We thank all of you who have reached out and for your support during these continued challenging times here in Haiti.

Violence in Port-au-Prince has escalated this week, causing the country's airports to cancel all international and in-country flights. Also gangs stormed the country’s two largest jails, allowing nearly 4,000 criminals to escape.

At Haiti Outreach, we have not experienced any violence. We will keep you posted if anything changes. Some disruption to our work in the South has occurred, as transportation problems have stopped access to some communities and materials. While roadblocks around the north have led to the closure of businesses and schools, we have kept our Pignon office open, continuing to work with the communities we serve.

Our hearts go out to all those in Port-au-Prince and to our country. Thank you again for your continued support and advocacy as we work together for a developed Haiti where all Haitians can have a future of peace.

Peace and Gratitude, 

The Haiti Outreach Team


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